Friday, March 30, 2012

Tech Article 3/30

What It's Like To Be Twitter Famous For A Day

Do you know about Fame? No, not the movie or the TV show, but the Twitter lottery? Fame is a Twitter app that works a little bit like a Ponzi scheme, but more sustainable. We talked to yesterday's winner.

It goes like this. You sign up to play Fame and give it access to your Twitter through OAuth. That gives the app the ability to follow and unfollow other people. Every day, it picks a new winner at random from everyone who has signed up. The app then has everyone playing auto-follow that person for 24 hours, then it auto-unfollows, and moved on to the next one. Its goal is to get to 21 million people all of whom would follow a single person for a day. But right now, it only has about 4,400.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tech Article 3/16

Camera+ is already our pick for the best camera app on the iPhone and these updates certainly help. The photo sharing now allows you to share multiple pictures to multiple accounts at once, which is a great time saver if you tend to upload to Facebook and Flickr at the same time. Also added is the ability to lock your focus and exposure independently of each other so you can customize your picture more than you could before. A few other changes include options for setting different workflow types, a new interface, improved performance on the iPhone 4S, and a few bug fixes. The update is free for current users, but Camera+ is also on sale for 99¢ for those who haven't picked it up yet.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Tech Article 3/9

Ahead of Wednesday iPad launch, Apple has just announced it's hit a staggering 25 billion downloads from its App Store. That puts Google's total 10 billion in the shade. Apple also gave away a $10,000 gift card to the person who downloaded the 25 billionth app.